Services offered

Get in touch:


Gail Siskind


As an expert selected to coach over 375 members of seven health care professions, I provide instruction and remediation in: Ethics; Boundary Crossings; Professionalism; Practice Management; Communication and Governability.

Problems at work?
Concerns I can help address include:


Breach of confidentiality; theft from institution/patients; accessing computerized records without patient consent; lying to patients; OHIP fraud; conflict of interest; prescribing narcotics contrary to College policy; Criminal convictions relevant to suitability to practice.


Using social media inappropriately; Providing advice / prescriptions to friends/family; disruptive behaviour; rudeness; poor collaboration with members of health care team; inappropriate conduct outside the practitioner-patient relationship; harassment in the workplace; gender discrimination.


Failing to fully disclose criminal charges/convictions on application to Registration Committee or to answer completely and honestly; failing to comply with CPD/QA requirements; failing to fulfill agreement with the College.


Accepting gifts from patients; hugging patients; jokes of a sexual nature; encouraging/developing a relationship with a patient beyond the therapeutic relationship; disclosing personal information to patients.


Lack of assertiveness; Impatience or rudeness; culturally insensitive comments; abruptness; abusive communication with patients and colleagues.


Failing to properly fill out insurance forms; charging inappropriate fees; threatening to dismiss patients from practice; poor office organization.

How we do it

  • Using a reflective model to explore the issues, examine emotions and feelings and possible triggers
  • Exploring the impact and possible consequences of actions on patients, the public and our colleagues in the profession
  • Focussing on essential ethical principles and how they are the core of health professionals’ practice
  • Developing assertive and other communication skills using role play with trained actors
  • Reviewing the professions’ standards, policies and codes for guidance
  • Developing strategies for self improvement which focus  on  wellness, personal and professional commitments, moral courage, resilience
  • Examining wilful blindness, moral complacency and moral distress and the relevance of these concepts to your situation
  • Discussing responsibilities of self-regulated health care professionals; mandate of self-regulating colleges; current trends in regulation.

Book your consultation with Gail today:

Contact me to discuss the issues you need resolved.

Let me help you address your immediate concerns and work with you on a viable long-term strategy. Complete the following form or call 416.638.3882

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